- March Madness is not just for college basketball; it is also the time when ESU 6 hosts its annual Analytic Scoring Cooperative. Here are the stats for 2013!
- More than 1700 student papers were double scored throughout the 5 days of scoring.
- 4 domains (including all 6 traits of writing: ideas/content, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions) were scored for each paper.
- Papers were scored from 10 grade levels (2-11)
- 45 teachers and pre-service teachers participated as scorers.
- 9 districts participated.
- Administration guides, rubrics, and data analysis information can be downloaded from http://esu6writing.wikispaces.com/Analytic+Scoring+Cooperative.
- The third session of the Marzano Research Laboratory (MRL) Academy was held on April 8 and 9 in Lincoln. Over 140 teachers and administrators were trained on how to implement the instructional model by MRL staff members Dr. Tammy Heflebower and Dr. Phil Warrick. We believe this is the beginning for the academy schools, as they now will work on how to utilize the model for improved instruction. More information can be found on the MRL wiki at http://esu6mrl.wikispaces.com/2012-13+Academy.
- Lenny attended the ASCD, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, national conference in Chicago. One of sessions that Lenny attended was by Carol Dweck author of “Mindsets: A New Psychology for Success.” Lenny frequently references what Carol calls the “growth mindset” for students. This means students believe their brain is like a muscle which becomes stronger with exercise. The book provides examples of growth and fixed mindsets, talks of the advantages of having a growth mindset, and provides strategies to move students to a growth mindset. For more information on the “growth mindset” see Lenny’s website at http://lenny-brainbased.wikispaces.com/Resources . Any parent or educator would find reading this book well worth their time.
- Tammy enjoyed working with ESU 2 in coordinating the third session of the MRL Academy II, 2-day event. Dr. Heflebower and Dr. Warrick, along with the ESU 6 consultants, presented to approximately 150 participants. Tammy is mentoring Pat Marshall at ESU 2 in coordinating the next MRL Academy event. She is also working with Sue Knickman at ESU 4 in organizing the Principals’ Retreat in June. Tammy has also had the opportunity to work with NDE in finalizing contracts with Marzano Research and the Danielson Group to present at the Teacher/Principal Evaluation Pilot as well as coordinating the venues for these events.
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